Celebrating 10-Years of the DeGuin Family Blog!


While I'm sure you are here for the most recent episode of Fun Times, I first have to share a couple of quick business items.

1. May 21st will mark the 10-year anniversary of the "DeGuin Family Blog". Wow. Can you believe it?!  It may have changed purpose a little bit, as well as titles and "authors", but thanks always, for coming along for the ride. To celebrate, I changed up the look a bit. After all, if Porter and I are going to keep growing (which we are!), then our blog better keep up with the times, too.

2. And because nothing ever stays the same, Mommy says that Blogger is removing one of our page options; the "Find Out When Cooper Posts...." part.  That means that if you are one of our "Faithful Followers" and you look at our blog because you get an email saying I've put up something new, sadly you won't be receiving those messages any more. So moving forward you have two options: a) Remember yourself to check the blog every 3 - 4-months or so - yikes!⏰  Or, b) Email Mommy at arae09_79@hotmail.com and she will put you on her own listserv of Faithful Followers and send you the most recent post every few months.  She says that's how she used to send the blog out 10 YEARS AGO (!!!!), when Moms started the blog for "Baby Lugnut". 😁

Any-who, with the business done, here comes the fun.  Hope you like our new design. Have a great summer.



The Super Bowl is not really my thing, but putting out "samples" and baking things is totally my jam.  So, while brother yelled at the TV and rooted for the red team, I made pretzels for all of us with my Easy Bake Oven (and cheese sauce, too!). Gruncle, Moms and PJ enjoyed them and they were a great addition to the rest of the snacks on the island for the game!

We celebrated the 100th day of school, continued to get JoJo used to life with us and wrote/illustrated more books. 

On February 11th Mommy had the first of two hip surgeries.  The procedure took away one of the pains it was supposed to and we worked hard while she was healing to be as helpful as we could.  The Villagers helped too, by bringing us super-special friend donuts for Valentines on Saturday, then on Sunday to show her love, Mama made heart pancakes and candied bacon. YUM!

Mommy's post-surgery to-do list from Porter

Mommy's Selfie pre-surgery

Mommy only had to heal for 1-week and then her doctor said she could go with us to the Cabin.  This was the first trip to the Cabin where there was snow out the back door! This was also JoJo's first trip to the Cabin, where she met Abby-dog, and after they did some talking with each other, they both did great.  It was so fun to throw on snow clothes, go play, go inside to eat and warm-up, then back outside in the snow, etc. We loved not having to get in the car to go play in the snow, and JoJo thought it was pretty fun, too. Check out pictures and videos here at Snow Much Cabin Fun!

Nana and Papa came end of the month to hang out and to finish putting together my Mickey Room.  (New room pictures will be provided in the next blog, sorry!)

MARCH 2021:

We started March with beautiful spring days and were able to do our every two years Arboretum photo shoot.  If you like pictures of cute boys (😍), check us out here at Spring Photo Shoot 2021

The next day we went for a walk at Putah Creek in Davis with the Villagers.  Boy did we have fun and get dirty!  (JoJo had such fun, she even got her first shower at home afterwards. She was not impressed by that though!)

Even after getting a big cookie, JoJo glared at Moms the rest of the night following her shower!

Three days after that beautiful weekend, we had thunder, lightening and so much hail it looked like it snowed at our house.  Weather is so strange!

Porter with a hail-ball...before we heard thunder again!

Moms had parent-teacher conferences for us in March and to celebrate hard work, good marks and positive comments from our teachers, they took us to JURASSIC-QUEST!  It was amazing.  Life-size dinosaurs, all over the place!  But we stayed in the car, just in case they decided to chase us! 😀 


The rest of the month was outside playdates with our friends Brady & Connor, and Rosemary, Scarlett & Caroline; JoJo started an 8-week training class with Moms on Saturday mornings and we continued with online school.

Why not ride a mop bucket?! (Brady pushing PJ)

At the end of the month Nana & Papa returned, as Moms were finally ready to build our new raised garden bed and all (helpful) hands were needed on deck. 😉  Papa engineered a great creation and helped bring Mom's idea to reality.  Now we just gotta finish filling the monster with dirt!  Check out Our Yard this Spring for more pictures of our yard coming together!

April 2021:

Easter!  We got to go to Sunnyvale for Easter this year AND we celebrated Porter's 1/2-birthday on Saturday of that same weekend.  It was nice to feel like things are starting to return to normal, though we have missed our church Easter egg hunt the last two years.  Maybe next year.... Easter 2021  

On Easter night, Moms headed home and we stayed with Nana and Papa for our Spring Break Week.  Porter and I kept our grandparents from being bored, they took us to paddleboat for the first time and Mommy had hip surgery 2 of 2 that week.

Scary pre-Surgery Selfie #2

We returned home on Sunday, April 11 and on Monday, April 12...WE GOT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL IN PERSON!!!!!  We are carpooling with Villagers again, we are back in our classrooms, we wear masks at all times and it feels so good.  What's a little different is that we come home from school at 11:30am for the day and have to do a little more independent work in the afternoons, and we don't go on Wednesdays.  But, anything was better than online all the time!

Read Court Crew, back to school!

Graunty came for her annual spring visit; we always have great fun!  She treated us to lunch at Sonic one day after school, did more (plastic) Easter egg hiding/hunting, helped Mama around the house and kept Mommy company as she sits around and lets her hip heal.    

We finished April by having an In-n-Out picnic in our backyard after school on Friday, courtesy of the Villagers.  The first truly warm weekend arrived just in time to celebrate Mommy's birthday, and Jo got her own swimming pool to celebrate.  We're hoping she'll leave our pool alone when it comes out - I'll let you know how that works out in a future post! 😊

PJ made Mommy a birthday crown with felt leaves!
