Fun in the time of COVID


Molasses Sugar Cookies from Facetime "Nana's Kitchen" (August)

Hi, it's me again.  I guess Mommy finished my last post for me while me & PJ were playing at Nana Camp. And 3-months are already gone, again. We keep doing things and having fun, so I try not to complain too much.    

You can find the random pictures here at this link: Fun in the time of COVID     

My explination of all the pictures are below.  Thanks for continuing to watch us grow, because we ARE!



JULY - Porter lost his 3rd tooth.  He asked the toothfairy for $100-dollars, but he only got $1. Moms said his room is pretty dark at night and the fairy probably just didn't see his decimal point. 😇 

Nana Camp this year was actually "Nana AND Papa Camp"!  We thought it was so fun to have Papa with us more often, but I'm not sure what Papa thought about our annual camp week; maybe he didn't actually HAVE to work in his bedroom office as much as he did! 😁  During our week we had a tea party, made our own chocolate suckers, got to build 'garages' for our play cars with Papa's real tools, went for walks, went to the coast and just had a good time.


Once we came home from Camp we watched some baby barn swallows be born on our porch and eventually learn to fly. (After 2-years, their parents decided that our scary porch shark to keep the birds away, was a good base for their nest, and not so scary any more!) 

We had a socially distanced Sunday morning coffee (and other treats), on our patio with our friend Jordan and his Moms.  It was super fun to play in our backyard and kick a soccer ball around with a big kid!

AUGUST - I got to open my very own savings account at the bank with some of my birthday money. Moms got PJ a "new" (to him) desk from cousin Gillian, but since Porter is not a fan of the color pink, he had to work with Mommy to sand and repaint his desk before school started.  Special people from our church invited us over to use their pool privately one hot Sunday, and it was our own little space.  Cousins Jack and Gillian brought over their new potato canon to try at our park one day; I did art projects, we did baking projects and we did science projects involving germs and mold (our salsa grew eyes, isn't that funny?!) 

We made cake-pops with my left over bday cake!

Pool time in Davis at the Horsefield's (it was only 103 that day!)

Even though Mommy hasn't built our raised garden beds yet, we were able to grow some fun things in our backyard like okra, artichokes and sunflowers.  And the fires - we are safe, but had to say inside for many weeks because of smokey air and falling ash.  

Even though our online school start date changed three times, we finally began school again on August 31.  Our fun little school sent each student a postcard in the mail, with a scratch spot to reveal who our teacher was for the year.  Moms worked hard to have our first day of school be as fun as possible with yummy meals, new shirts and office supplies for our desks.  

SEPTEMBER  - We went to Sunnyvale one weekend to celebrate Papa and Mama's birthdays, then Memaw came from Texas on Mama's real birthday weekend.  It was so fun to have her visit!  We got to go shopping for a few school clothes and she brought us crazy toy lizards!!  And we've tried to practice our golf a little more at the park and the driving range.

Doing my science observations in the backyard during "asynchronus learning"

We MADE Mama a Texas Candle during a science experimet, for her birthday

OCTOBER - We started the month celebrating brother's birthday at the Cabin. You can see all that fun here: Porter turns 9 at the Cabin and he got to open his very own savings account like me!  

We both are working hard at school and getting into a good routine (most days). Porter got to work on his first research paper and study cool old places in Woodland.  And I was gifted a "new" (to me) super big kid desk and it's awe-some.  

Then this weekend when we thought things were going to be quiet at home, we were invited to a "private" pumpkin patch Sunday morning, where the Villager kid's aunt works.  We got to take AS MANY PUMPKINS AS WE WANTED (!!!!!!) and Moms didn't have to pay any money!  We had so much fun.  We were outside doing Fall fun, with the Villagers and I still don't think 62 pumpkins was enough! 😄  Look at the fun here:Lil' Pumpkins!  (And I did have fun, I just didn't want to take pictures!)


  1. What a fun three months! Love your blogs and keeping caught up with what’s going on with you four. ❤️


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