Everything Looks Great!

Our apologies for the delayed update...the end of another school year and unexpected family needs have slowed us down a bit the last couple of weeks.  But here's the scoop on "little one's" check up from May 31st.

Lug was very active during the 1-hour exam, so much so, that I had to return 3-days later and have some pictures retaken, because the originals were too blury for doctor's liking! :)

The Tech who did the imaging called the baby's heart "gorgeous" multiple times, and the amazing 4-chambers was beating strong at 147bpm (120-160bpm is considered 'normal').  Everything that should be present in the images was, and everything that new parents would want missing, was totally absent. 

I was impressed by getting to see Lug suck its thumb or fist...it was hard to see exactly what was being sucked, but the hand would disappear near the head and you could see the baby's facial muscles doing the sucking motion.  Amazing!  

Tina is still marveling at Lug's foot, which she shockingly claims to anyone who will listen: "IT WAS HUGE!" I keep trying to tell her that it was huge because of pressing against my abdomen and the angle, but that doesn't seem to mean much to her. 

Lug's body, spine, skull and organs are all totally and completely developed at this point; and at 15oz (at 21-weeks) all Lug does now, is grow.  Seems hardly possible at barely 5-months, that this little person is all developed.  This will more than likely be our last images of the baby until Lug arrives, which is actually good news because it means Baby and Mommy are doing well!  Yea us.  


  1. So happy to hear little lugnut is healthy and active! Blake was also a mover and shaker who I felt quite early. However, as you know, he was a humongo baby so that could explain it.;-) I checked out your baby registry and LOVE your monkey theme! We're keeping all of you in our prayers as you near the day you'll both meet your little love (as Grandma Helen used to call us kids).


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